Provides members of the industrial construction industry with information on how to evaluate and assess the sustainability of their firm and a concise summary of current sustainability practices.Dr. J.K. Yates | Engineering Books



Publisher: The Construction Industry Institute, Austin, Texas
Research Summary: 250-1
Length: 223 Pages

Publication Date: September 2008

This report defines the concept of sustainable development for members of the industrial construction industry. Sustainable development practices are discussed along with information on why they are being used, how they are being used, and what the potential benefits of their use are for engineering and construction industry firms.

The purpose of the proposed research was to write a primer on sustainability for members of the industrial construction industry. The scope of the research covered investigating sustainability in the industrial construction sectors of manufacturing; mining, minerals, and metals; petrochemical; pharmaceutical; power, pulp and paper, and utilities. The objective of the research was to provide members of the industrial construction industry with information on how to evaluate and assess the sustainability of their firm and to provide a concise summary of current sustainability practices.

The report provides a summary of 1) current industrial construction sustainability practices, 2) environmental laws and their implications, 3) life-cycle cost assessment models, 4) the results of a survey of industrial construction industry experts, and 5) trends and implications including alternative sustainable materials. Several potential assessment resources that were developed during the research are discussed that could be used by firms to evaluate their sustainable practices.

This book provides information on the techniques and processes being used to implement sustainable practices on industrial construction projects and it also provides suggestions for further research.

Table of Contents

Introduction. Methodology. Summary of Current Sustainability Practices in the Industrial Construction Sector. Environmental Laws and Their Implications. Life-Cycle Cost Assessment Models. Interview Results and Data Analysis. Trends and Implications. Conclusions and Recommendations. List of Commonly Used Acronyms and Organizations Related to Sustainability Practices. Countries that have Ratified the Kyoto Protocol Treaty. Sustainable Design and Construction for Industrial Construction Research Team.